The Children’s Internet Protection Act and School Computers

The Children’s Internet Protection Act and School Computers

On the internet, information moves with lightning speed. Users can download content in seconds. Unfortunately, some of this content is obscene or harmful — and some of these users are children. Parents may supervise their children’s online activity at...
Why Schools Should Teach Critical Thinking on the Internet

Why Schools Should Teach Critical Thinking on the Internet

Misinformation, manipulation, and outright lies are prevalent on the Internet. According to a 2018 article in New York Magazine’s “Intelligencer,” actual human beings make up less than 60% of traffic on the web. The rest is made up of bots and other...
Is Revenge Porn Sexual Assault?

Is Revenge Porn Sexual Assault?

It’s an unfortunately common form of online abuse: posting personal, inappropriate images of another person without their consent. Often, these images are initially exchanged in the context of an intimate relationship. According to the Washington Post, 13% of...
How Students Use VPNs to Get Around School Firewalls and Filters

How Students Use VPNs to Get Around School Firewalls and Filters

It’s essential for schools to create a safe digital learning environment. However, content filters and firewalls may not be enough to stop students from accessing blocked sites. Continue reading to find out how students use VPNs to get around school firewalls...
How Students Hide What They’re Really Doing On Computers

How Students Hide What They’re Really Doing On Computers

Using technology to create projects or type papers benefits students greatly. However, students can easily become distracted by everything that the Internet offers. As students work on their online tasks, teachers may walk around the classroom and monitor their...