Our Approach

Technology that Provides Actionable and Accurate Behavior Information

  • LearnSafe provides actionable, contextualized screenshot data, helping schools effectively address and modify inappropriate and dangerous behavior.
  • We provide a full and accurate view for indicators of at-risk behavior on school-provided computers to protect students where content filters are limited.
  • Behavior is not a technology problem which is why LearnSafe constructed a non-techie, easy-to-use reporting console for busy school administrators. The clear and accurate contextual behavioral data gives school administrators the ability to react and respond to daily issues.

Technology that Supports Meaningful Interventions and Saves Lives

  • LearnSafe detects signs of student self-harm, cyberbullying, and violence by scanning the student’s computer screen in real-time and sending alerts regarding threats to harm themselves or others to school leadership that has been reviewed by LearnSafe Safety Monitoring Specialists. 
  • We help administrators monitor and respond in real-time to student-centered issues with our customizable database of words and phrases.
  • LearnSafe partners directly with mental health professionals, becoming an integral part of a school’s support structure and helping students get access to counseling.

Meets Safety Responsibilities and Provides Information Necessary for Improving Safety Procedures

  • LearnSafe helps districts mitigate liability by meeting legal requirements such as CIPA and satisfying a district’s Duty of Care to ensure a safe learning environment. CIPA does require schools to do more than block & filter content students could access.  CIPA requires the monitoring of school-owned computers. 
  • Current measures like content filters and teacher supervision continue to miss signs of suicide, drug sales, sexual predator activity, and pornography occurring on school computers. 
  • Proper monitoring allows schools to validate if procedures are working or not then adopt better practices to further protect schools from liability.

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