COVID-19 and the Unintended Consequences of Digital Learning

About this Webinar:
Tom Mickes draws from his experiences as one of the most prestigious education law attorneys in the nation, a former teacher, principal, superintendent, and school board member to discuss the liability issues schools face with distance learning. If you are a superintendent, school board member, technology director, or principal and your district has a growing investment in computers; it’s essential to know why and how to properly furnish a safe digital learning environment using CARES ACT/ESSER Funding.

Recorded July 21, 2020 | 50 Minutes

Presented by:
LearnSafe and Tom Mickes of Mickes O’Toole Attorneys at Law


Automated Student Computer Monitoring

Human Monitoring

Human Monitoring

Review and Alert

Mental Health Services

Student Support Services

Grant Writing Support and Services

Identify Funding Sources