Social-Emotional Learning Resources for the Classroom

Social-Emotional Learning Resources for the Classroom

In December of 2021, the surgeon general issued an advisory on the mental health crisis facing America’s youth. The surgeon general stated that “an alarming number of young people struggled with feelings of helplessness, depression, and thoughts of suicide — and...
Maintaining A Safe Learning Environment for Distance Learning

Maintaining A Safe Learning Environment for Distance Learning

While students are learning at home, it’s important that they feel they still have a safe environment. How can teachers help create a safe workplace for online classes? Here are some ideas of how schools can maintain a safe learning environment for distance...
Internet Safety for Distance Learning

Internet Safety for Distance Learning

Distance learning puts a lot of responsibility on the parent, and that goes farther than schoolwork. Homeschool parents have to go the extra mile to teach their children about internet safety. This can be especially beneficial since parents can monitor their children...