Digital Wellness in Schools

Digital Wellness in Schools

Technology offers students a world of opportunities, many of which are beneficial. Students can access information at the touch of a finger. They can also find ways to supplement learning and explore their interests. However, these benefits come with psychological,...
Managing Student Anxiety in the Classroom

Managing Student Anxiety in the Classroom

According to the World Health Organization, cases of anxiety increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over four million students from age three to seventeen have received an anxiety diagnosis, according to the CDC. Now that students are returning to in-person learning,...
The Internet and Anxiety: How It Hurts and Helps

The Internet and Anxiety: How It Hurts and Helps

The internet undeniably plays a part in many different types of anxiety. However, not all of these interactions between anxiety and the internet are negative. First, the internet presents a safe place for those with social anxiety. The fear of physical, social...