How Alabama Cyberstalking Laws Affect Schools

How Alabama Cyberstalking Laws Affect Schools

In the U.S., 7.5 million people report stalking each year, and 1 in 4 of those victims reported cyberstalking. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we communicate, learn, and live. Students now spend more time on the computer than ever. Consequently, they face a...
Emergency Preparedness in Schools: What Administrators Need to Know

Emergency Preparedness in Schools: What Administrators Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic showed the vital importance of emergency preparedness in schools. With the possibilities of school shootings and natural disasters on the rise, schools need emergency preparedness plans more than ever. It’s important to know and implement the...
What Administrators Need to Know about Sexual Harassment in Schools

What Administrators Need to Know about Sexual Harassment in Schools

Sexual harassment is a crucial topic for schools and their staff. Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually harassed. And 15% of those victims are under the age of 17. Stories vary from students sharing scoreboards to verbal abuse to rumors spread online. According to...
Mental Health Requirements in Mississippi’s School Safety Act

Mental Health Requirements in Mississippi’s School Safety Act

In the past twenty years, American schools experienced a rapid increase in mass shootings. Schools saw the need to train staff and students to prepare for an active shooter situation. In Mississippi, the Mississippi House Education Committee outlined the requirements...
Student Safety, District Liability, and Distance Learning

Student Safety, District Liability, and Distance Learning

On July 21rst, Mickes O’Toole Attorneys at Law and SlateXP, the makers of LearnSafe, presented an online seminar focusing on student safety, district liability, and distance learning. Thomas A. Mickes, a leading education law attorney, gave a presentation titled...