Should Social Media Companies Be Responsible for Online Drug Dealers Targeting Kids?

Should Social Media Companies Be Responsible for Online Drug Dealers Targeting Kids?

Recently, news stories, lawsuits, and hearings have exposed the danger social media poses for young people. Lawmakers investigated how social media harms teens’ mental health. Others criticized the profusion of pornography on social media. A January Congressional...
Using Online Resources to Teach Technology

Using Online Resources to Teach Technology

Most schools require teachers to integrate technology into their lesson plans. This ensures that students acquire the technological skills they need. When looking at these tools on the internet, teachers should consider how they can help students learn new material in...
Blended Learning Models for the Classroom

Blended Learning Models for the Classroom

In the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic forced schools to make a sudden switch to online learning. This left teachers and students scrambling to adapt to often unfamiliar learning technologies. This year, most schools planned to resume face-to-face learning...
Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

As students are currently taking classes online, it’s important that they know how to be responsible digital citizens. How can educators promote digital citizenship through distance learning? Here are a few ideas to help teachers get started. Hold Online...