How Assistive Technology Helps Students With Learning Disabilities

How Assistive Technology Helps Students With Learning Disabilities

The 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) includes information for schools about assistive technology devices. For students with learning disabilities, assistive technology may include “any item, piece of equipment, or product...
Blended Learning Models for the Classroom

Blended Learning Models for the Classroom

In the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic forced schools to make a sudden switch to online learning. This left teachers and students scrambling to adapt to often unfamiliar learning technologies. This year, most schools planned to resume face-to-face learning...
Digital Standardized Testing

Digital Standardized Testing

Standardized tests have been around for decades and adapt to each generation’s needs. In today’s classroom, technology allows testing to be performed digitally. Here’s what you need to know to stay informed on digital standardized testing.   How Digital Testing...
3 Ways to Start the School Year Strong

3 Ways to Start the School Year Strong

It’s time to start planning for the excitement of the school year. New students, new parents, new experiences: while the first week of school is exciting, it’s important to keep this excitement up and use it as the driving force throughout the school year. Here are...