by Emma | Jan 11, 2018 | Blog, Cyberbullying, Digital Citizenship, Digital Safety, Online Dangers, Parenting, Parents, Social Media
Whether children and teens are searching Twitter or playing a video game, they face the question of whether or not they should give out personal information. Without guidance, they may not understand why they need to keep some information to themselves. Therefore,...
by Emma | Jan 4, 2018 | Blog, Cyberbullying, Digital Citizenship, Digital Safety, Online Dangers, Online Learning, Parenting, Parents
Many parents fear the moment their child will start surfing the Web by herself, unsupervised. However frightening this may be, it’s undeniable that the internet affects nearly every aspect of our lives today. That includes children’s lives, as they will...
by Emma | Dec 28, 2017 | Apps, Blog, Digital Safety, Online Dangers, Social Media
Every day, we power up our computers to stream music or post that photo from lunch. But all the while, a website or program might be recording our – and our children’s — every digital footstep. That’s a terrifying idea for any parent. And it’s also why it’s so...
by Emma | Dec 21, 2017 | Apps, Blog, Cyberbullying, Digital Safety, Parents, Social Media
The internet is a place where anonymity thrives. On one hand, anonymity can allow teens to freely and creatively express themselves. On the other hand, anonymous apps can provide a place where children – and adults – feel free from responsibility for the things they...
by Emma | Dec 19, 2017 | Blog, Digital Citizenship, Digital Safety, Educational Technology, Pedagogy, Teaching Topics
Students need to feel safe at school in order to learn. Accordingly, most schools work tirelessly to create safe learning environments inside classrooms. But are virtual classrooms also positive places to nurture young learners? Are we doing enough to make sure online...
by Emma | Dec 15, 2017 | Blog, Cyberbullying, Digital Safety, Parents, Social Media
In November of 2017, three senators introduced the ENOUGH Act. ENOUGH stands for Ending Nonconsenual Online User Graphic Harassment. This refers to a common form of online abuse: posting personal, inappropriate photos and/or videos of another person without their...