Internet Safety for Distance Learning

Internet Safety for Distance Learning

Distance learning puts a lot of responsibility on the parent, and that goes farther than schoolwork. Homeschool parents have to go the extra mile to teach their children about internet safety. This can be especially beneficial since parents can monitor their children...
Installing LearnSafe on Chromebooks Ensures Student Safety

Installing LearnSafe on Chromebooks Ensures Student Safety

Google’s Chromebooks have far surpassed the number of PCs and tablets in U.S. schools. Their low cost and ease of use are the two main reasons schools have turned to Chromebooks. In fact, in 2018, 60% of the computers bought for American K-12 schools were Chromebooks....
Digital Boundaries for Distance Learning

Digital Boundaries for Distance Learning

Technology provides virtual classroom access, digital learning programs, and other beneficial learning tools that distance learners can’t live without. However, the internet, games, and smartphones can be distracting. Here are some tips to aid with technological...