Teaching Responsible Technology Use in High Schools

Teaching Responsible Technology Use in High Schools

Now that social media and internet use are more ubiquitous than ever, it’s essential to teach and promote digital citizenship. As teenagers use computers more frequently in the classroom and at home, we need to teach responsible technology use in high schools....
Why Schools Should Teach Digital Citizenship

Why Schools Should Teach Digital Citizenship

Technological advances radically altered education. Gone are the days of scouring libraries for hours, as information is at students’ fingertips in mere seconds. The COVID-19 pandemic moved technology to a central role in the classroom, a change not likely to...
Are Districts Liable For Student Safety?

Are Districts Liable For Student Safety?

Student safety at school has been a subject of confusion and conversation for years. Schools are responsible for education, but are they responsible for student safety, too? And to what extent? Are schools responsible for crimes committed on school grounds? With the...
How Should Schools Implement Bullying Legislation?

How Should Schools Implement Bullying Legislation?

According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, as many as one in five students experience bullying. Fifteen percent of bullying incidents occur online. Bullying often results in lowered levels of classroom engagement and academic performance. However, the...
Teen Suicide and the Pandemic: Screen Monitoring Software Saves Lives

Teen Suicide and the Pandemic: Screen Monitoring Software Saves Lives

Before the pandemic, teen suicide rates in the United States were already alarmingly high. In an article in Psychology Today, licensed psychologist Sandra M. Chafouleas writes that every year, more than two thousand teens die by suicide. According to the Centers for...
How Schools Can Support Students’ Mental Health During the Pandemic

How Schools Can Support Students’ Mental Health During the Pandemic

According to a Gallup poll conducted in May of 2020, three out of ten parents stated that the pandemic had harmed their children’s mental health. And fourteen percent of parents said they thought that their children would not be able to handle social distancing much...