Creating Classroom Guidelines For School Email Accounts

Creating Classroom Guidelines For School Email Accounts

At the beginning of each school year, teachers go over their syllabi and classroom rules. Now that technology is an integral part of every classroom, it’s essential to include guidelines about acceptable use, online learning, and other digital activities....
Social-Emotional Learning and Cyberbullying Prevention

Social-Emotional Learning and Cyberbullying Prevention

With social distancing and the shift to distance learning, students spend more time online than ever. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to educate students about cyberbullying. Often, teaching students how to recognize cyberbullying is the first step to...
Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

As students are currently taking classes online, it’s important that they know how to be responsible digital citizens. How can educators promote digital citizenship through distance learning? Here are a few ideas to help teachers get started. Hold Online...