Student Mental Health Declines Over Summer Break: How Educational Technology Can Help

Student Mental Health Declines Over Summer Break: How Educational Technology Can Help

The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on student mental health, exacerbating existing challenges and introducing new ones. Children faced disruptions in their daily routines, isolation from peers, and the abrupt shift to remote learning. All of these changes...
What Schools Need to Know about Forums and Chatrooms

What Schools Need to Know about Forums and Chatrooms

The teenage years are periods of personal exploration, experimentation, and change. As such, teenage students frequently seek anonymous conversation online. According to The Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children, anonymous online communication offers teens...
The Risks and Dangers of Anonymous Question Apps

The Risks and Dangers of Anonymous Question Apps

In 2009 and 2010, anonymous question-and-answer apps exploded in popularity. These apps, which target young users, include, founded in 2009, and ASKfm, launched in 2010. Newer apps, such as NGL and Sendit, integrate with social media sites such as Snapchat...
5 Signs of Cyberbullying

5 Signs of Cyberbullying

The internet allows students to access information in a matter of seconds. This has widened the world of the classroom. However, new technology also brings new problems. Cyberbullying is one of those problems — and it’s a big problem for schools. The...
Internet Safety for Distance Learning

Internet Safety for Distance Learning

Distance learning puts a lot of responsibility on the parent, and that goes farther than schoolwork. Homeschool parents have to go the extra mile to teach their children about internet safety. This can be especially beneficial since parents can monitor their children...