Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

As students are currently taking classes online, it’s important that they know how to be responsible digital citizens. How can educators promote digital citizenship through distance learning? Here are a few ideas to help teachers get started. Hold Online...
Installing LearnSafe on Chromebooks Ensures Student Safety

Installing LearnSafe on Chromebooks Ensures Student Safety

Google’s Chromebooks have far surpassed the number of PCs and tablets in U.S. schools. Their low cost and ease of use are the two main reasons schools have turned to Chromebooks. In fact, in 2018, 60% of the computers bought for American K-12 schools were Chromebooks....
How Can Schools Protect Students from Cyberbullying?

How Can Schools Protect Students from Cyberbullying?

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, 43% of students have experienced or seen an incident of cyberbullying. Online bullying can be as damaging as being bullied in person. Victims of cyberbullying show signs of depression, distraction, and a loss of...
5 Educational Technology Trends for 2020

5 Educational Technology Trends for 2020

Immersive learning through virtual reality. Digital lessons personalized for each student. Online games that teach important information while showing students that learning is fun. At the beginning of the 21rst century, these three things seemed like futuristic,...